Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's Never Too Late to Start, Right?

As I sit here snacking on some chocolate and curse how unreliable the Internet is, I decided there was no better time than now to finally start a blog about what I'm doing.  In case you haven't seen my pictures on Facebook or had a chance to talk to me in a while, here's what's up...
I graduated in May and began to wrack my brain of possible things I could do besides getting a real grown-up job.  I decided that running away to South East Asia to get my TESOL (teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages..or something along those lines) certificate was the way to go.  

In one month I tidied up what little responsibilities I had in the States, packed my bags and said goodbye.  Nearly two days later I stepped off of my plane and into Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  After two more days of wallowing alone in my hotel room regretting my decision to do this, I finally met the other 9 trainees and things  started to look up.  Following two weeks of intense (and incredibly boring) training and a weekend at Angkor Wat, seven of us were off to Thailand for practice teaching and Thai language classes.  

Two more weeks and many headaches later, I was awarded my certificate and took off for a short vacay in Phuket.  Three days turned to ten and before I knew it I had a golden tan, could surf a tiny wave, did my first discovery scuba dive, partied a little harder than I probably should have and put a big dent in what little savings I had.

In need of money we arrived in Bangkok at 5am, had a job interview (if you could even call it that) at 6, were in a hotel by 7 and slept the rest of the day away.  The next day marked the beginning of a short stint as an underpaid camp counselor for English summer camps.  I was able to meet some interesting people and see some sights/cities around Bangkok I probably wouldn't have otherwise, but I was still in serious need of cash.
Cut to mid-November and I now have a job as an actual English teacher set to start as soon as the floods recede enough for the students and their families to come back to the city.

Bear with me as I slowly work to fill in some of the crazy/interesting things that have happened between boarding that plane and sitting where I am now.  Some of the details may be a bit fuzzy and events out of order but I hope this gives you a better idea of what I have been up to and prepare you for the many stories I am bound to repeat over and over once I see you again!

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